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February 11, 2021

Dear Members,

We have some exciting news for the tennis community here at Wayside Athletic Club. Wayside Athletic Club has partnered with UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) to run events all year round!
UTR is a global rating system that promotes fair and competitive play across the tennis world. All players, regardless of age, gender, geography, or skill level, are rated on the same scale between 1 and 16.50 based on actual match results. Our first event is on February 15th, 2021, and all spots are already been taken. Wayside Athletic Club and those registered will follow all social distancing guidelines posted by the state of Massachusetts. Please join the Wayside Athletic Club’s UTR page. Sign up is quick, easy, and free!  Click here to get started.

We are offering a Power Subscription promotion through Wayside which is $79/year ($99/year on the UTR site). There are a limited number of these available.  When you take advantage of the power subscription it will save you $10 for every entry.  If you are planning to play multiple events throughout the year it makes sense to add this subscription. Contact us directly to receive your discount code using the email below.

We are here to help answer any questions that you can’t find on the UTR website or about upcoming events at Wayside Athletic Club. Please contact for more details


Thank you,


Team Wayside!


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