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Reopening Racquetball Policies and Rules

Wayside Athletic Club will be following the state and federal guidelines as well as other safety protocols.   Wayside Athletic Club will conduct employee training to inform each staff member of the CDC guidelines, including social distancing, as well as the proper cleaning protocol that is expected of staff and of our members, along with each new operating protocol.

To facilitate a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and our members, we have established the following criteria for indoor and outdoor pools. Complete club protocols can be found here



  • Reservations are required
  • Effective Monday, April 19, 2021, singles and doubles play is allowed 
  • Masks must be worn on and off the court (this applies to both vaccinated and not vaccinated players)
  • We will not be providing any rental equipment, you must bring your own or purchase
  • Court occupancy will be consistent with governmental orders and guidelines
  • Maintain a safe social distance when entering and exiting a court
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