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15 people completed the May 28-Day Challenge and lost over 144 pounds and 88 inches. The 15 participants averaged a loss of 9.6 pounds per person. “Every time I run this program, participants tell me how much stronger they feel, how much better they sleep, and how much more energy they have. The program isn’t about restrictions, it’s about learning how to fuel YOUR body correctly and in a way that makes you lose fat quickly and effectively,” says program director Beth Concaugh.

Congratulations to all participants, especially our top 3 winners!

1st Place Winner: Joe B.

This was Joe’s first challenge. He’s 76 and has never been on a diet/nutrition program of any kind. “I really got a lot out of this program. I learned how to eat, what to eat and was fully satisfied with my eating plan, never feeling deprived.”

Lost 19 pounds and 8.8% body weight


2nd Place Winner: Josh R.

Josh and his wife participated together in their first challenge. Josh lost weight as he expected to, but gained more strength and energy than he could have imagined. He loved the small group training classes and looks forward to continuing with them along with the eating habits learned.

Lost 16.4 pounds and 7.7% body weight


3rd Place Winner: Lisa T.

In Lisa’s 3rd challenge, her main focus was her final goal weight which she almost achieved. Over the past year (May 2018-June 2019), she’s lost over 34 pounds and as a result is experiencing increased strength, energy and confidence.

Lost 13 pounds and 7.1% body weight


In 4 challenges, 112 participants have lost over 1,126 pounds and 602 inches. Who’s ready to join the next 28-Day Challenge on September 22?

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