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If you like to workout early (5:30 AM–9:30AM), you most likely know me. If not, I’m Bernie Tesmer, a Certified Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine), a Black Belt in Mixed Martial Arts, and I hold a variety of certificates in training and fitness.


Here I am receiving my Black Belt. Pictured with Greg Riddle (3rd degree black belt) and Ginger (2nd degree black belt) of Premier Martial Arts.


What do you think is more important in training, the weight you handle, the amount of reps and sets, or the time between sets?

The answer is: INTENSITY! If you do only a couple of reps, use light weight, and take a lot of time between sets, you’re not going to meet your fitness goals. However, if you use more weight (intensity), and/or increase your reps (intensity), and/or take less time between sets (intensity), you will most likely make strides toward your goals.


Working with Samantha on her self-defense skills.


Please visit my web site and read the latest newsletter for additional information, and remember to always push yourself! Check out the bulletin board in the fitness center for news and tips! Looking forward to seeing you around the club soon!

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